Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1775.02.17

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Index Entry Craigie, George, sells jews harps, psalters 
Location Portsmouth 
17 Feb 1775:43 (956)
To be sold, By George Craigie, At his store in Portsmouth, A
general assortment of English goods, Exceeding cheap for
Superfine and low priz'd broad cloths, wiltons, German
serges, ratteens, kerseys, flannels, baizes-swanskins,
thicksetts, fustians, cotton velvets, and velverits,
shalloons, tammies, durants, calamancoes. . . [32 more
lines]  Horse whips, warming pans, frying pans, flat irons,
box irons, brass and iron candlesticks, shovels and tongs,
bellows.--A large assortment of iron ware,--Case knives,
pen, cuttoe, and jack dit.  Sleeve buttons, Jews harps,
spectacles,--Snuff boxes, shears, scizars, thimbles, razors,
knitting needles, spurs, tobacco boxes, shoe knives,
awlblades, shoe tacks, shoe nails, pinchers, nippers,
hammers, gimblets, tapborers, hingers,--and locks of all
sorts.--A variety of metal, shoe, and knee buckles, brass
cocks, large and small files, glue,--handsaws, pewter,
platters, plates, pots, porringers, basons, blocktin
spoons,--Bibles, testaments, psalters, spelling books,
primmers, cartridge & writing paper, paste board, ink
powder, sealing wax, wafers, slates, 4d. 6d. 10d. and 20d
nails, 3d. 4d. 5d. 6d brads, oznabrigs, ticklinburgs,
powder, shott, lead, German steel, cod lines, fish hooks,
twine, time glasses, velvet corks, seives, pound beads,
Keppins snuff, wool cads. 

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1775.02.17 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0024199
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