Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1773.09.10

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Index Entry Anthem, sung in Dartmouth College, for commencement 
Location Dartmouth 
10 Sep 1773:32 (882)
On the 25th ult. the Commencement was held at Dartmouth
College, at which after the introductory prayer, a
salutatory oration in English was delivered by Mr. Dean;
then followed a syllogistic disputation in Latin; then a
Hebrew oration on the beauties of the Old Testament, by Mr.
Smith----After which an anthem closed the morning exercises.
  In the afternoon was delivered an oration in Latin, by Mr.
Huntington, on the advantages of the arts and sciences; a
forensic disputation in English; an oration in the Indian
language by Mr. Dean, on the customs and manners of the
Indians, and a dialogue in English.
. . . [20 lines listing the degree recipients]
After which the public exercises (which were perform'd in
the presence of a very large and respectable audience) were
closed with an anthem suitable to the oration.  The whole
being conducted with great propriety and decorum.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1773.09.10 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0050721
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