Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1770.10.05

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Index Entry Fiddlers, as purchasers at auction, in satire 
Location London 
5 Oct 1770:11,12,13 (729)
From the Public Ledger.
A Sale of M---rs.
Rare Aves in Terris.
Yesterday at twelve o'clock at noon there was a public
auction at the C-P-T, W---l[   ], of the different
M--n---rs, ins and outs; at which was a numerous concourse
of people; . . . [60 describing the proceedings of the
auction and the various ministers that were for sale]
G. Hunsley, Gem'men.  Famous very notorious for his
friendship.  He has an excellent and chaste hand at a
friendly letter--He is worth a round sum of a romance
writer---and very [   ] for Mr. Lowndes's circulating
library--Six pence,---O fie!  Is this a reward for his
constancy, integrity, and steady attachment to his friend? 
Only six-pence?  Fiddlers pay for such a worthy.--A going
for--six-pence--once--twice--gone.  Who is the buyer?
. . . [3 lines describing the buyer]
Walk in Gem'men:--Sales goes on amazingly--alive and alive
G. Greenfield.  Gents. commonly called the Gentle Shephard,
famous for blowing on the American pipe.  It was this very
identical person that composed that celebrated overture the
stamp-act, which had a greater effect on the Americans, than
the bite of the tarantula on the Italians.  Look at his
levee like air, and deportment--Who bids most for the Gentle
Shepherd?  Three-pence.--A small sum for such a figure.--. .
. [60 lines, 18 lines describing the rest of the auction]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1770.10.05 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0023972
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