Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1769.07.28

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Index Entry Anthem, sung in Cambridge, for commencement 
Location Cambridge 
28 Jul 1769:12,13 (668)
Boston, July 20.  Yesterday was held at Cambridge the
anniversary commencement; at which John Winthrop, Esq; S. R.
S. Hollistan Professor of Mathematics, in the vacancy of the
President's Chair, presided.  In the forenoon, the exercises
were introduced by a Latin Oration, followed by syllogistic
disputes in Latin upon several questions; after which there
was a dialogue in the Hebrew language, and another in the
Greek; a discourse in French on the advancement of the
sciences; a forensic dispute in English;---a dialogue in
English---all performed by the candidates for the degree of
Bachelor of Arts; In the afternoon, besides the syllogistic
disputes, was an oration in English, and a valedictory
oration in Latin, as usual, by the candidates for the degree
of Master of Arts.  The solemnity was concluded with an
  The forensic dispute was on this question, whether public
liberty can subsist without the freedom of the press?

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1769.07.28 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0023910
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