Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1769.05.12

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Index Entry Bowles, Samuel, sells jews harps 
Location Portsmouth 
12 May 1769:33 (657)
Samuel Bowles, At his Shop opposite the Post-Office, and
near the State-House in Portsmouth, has to sell an
assortment of goods just imported from London, which will be
sold very cheap for ready money, viz.
Broad-cloths and serges; wiltons; ratteens; pennystones;
kerseys; fustians; cotton-velvet; thicksetts; bayes;
shalloons; tammies; durants; buttons and twist;
callamancoes; stuffs; cotton, thread and worsted hose; men's
mock-velvet and common worsted-caps; silk and worsted mitts
and gloves; . . . [16 lines] brass scales; chapes and
tongues; buckles, buttons and brushes of all sorts;
cross-cut and hand-saws; needles, pins and fish-hooks of all
sorts; iron candle sticks and snuffers; Jewsharps; hour and
minute glasses; coach and chisae whips and cow skins; glew;
knives and forks; window glasses. . . [14 lines of goods]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1769.05.12 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0023900
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