Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1769.05.05

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Index Entry Bass, Joseph, sells psalters 
Location Portsmouth 
5 May 1769:42 (656)
To Be Sold by Joseph Bass, At his shop in Portsmouth, the
following goods, viz.
Crimson, scarlet, yellow, green & blue furniture checks;
crimson, scarlet, yellow, green and blue none-so-pretties;
crimson, green and blue worsted tossells;
. . . [21 lines of goods]
a very handsome assortment of Sadlers webbing; pins; sewing
and knitting needles; paper hangings; green baize;
testaments; psalters and spelling books; paste board;
carteridge paper; wool and cotton cards; black walnut and
mohogony fram'd looking glasses. . . [7 lines of goods] 
--All which are to be sold by wholesale or retail at the
very lowest rate for cash. . . [2 lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1769.05.05 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0023899
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