Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1766.06.13

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Index Entry Bells, in Newport, rung for repeal of Stamp Act 
Location Newport 
13 Jun 1766:23, 31 (506)
New-Port, June 2.  Last Tuesday was appointed, by the Sons
of Liberty, for our public rejoicings, in this town, on the
glorious news of the repeal of the Stamp-Act.
  The populace was so impatient, that before one o'clock in
the morning, all the bells in town, were a ringing, drums
were beat, musick play'd, and guns were discharg'd.  At
sunrise a signal gun was fired, and the flag hoisted, at
Fort George; immediately ensigns were display'd upon the
Tree of Liberty, at the bottom of the Parade, upon the tops
of houses, on the shipping in the harbour, and at the
batteries at the south and north end of the town.
[40 lines describing the celebration]
At twelve o'clock, Fort George fired a royal salute, which
was return'd from the South and North Batteries.  At three
o'clock his honour the Governor, attended by the Committee
of the Sons of Liberty, the civil officers of the
government, and gentlemen of the town, was escorted by the
officers of the militia, with colours flying, and drums
beating, in grand procession, to the Court-House, where the
following loyal and patriotic toasts, were drank:
  1.  The King.  2  The Queen, and the Royal Family.
. . . [9 lines, 18 more lines, 28 toasts in all]
 At every toast the trumpet sounded an air, and five cannon
were discharged; joy and gratitude sparkled in ever face,
while the glasses circulated in honour of his majesty, the
British worthies, and all the true friends of Great Britain,
and her colonies.--In the evening, the Court-House, the
paintings, and the town, were most beautifully illuminated. 
. . . [47 more lines, describing the festivities, including

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1766.06.13 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0023748
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