Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1776.12.31

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Index Entry Bells, in New York, removed by Americans, not available to ring for fire 
Location New York 
31 Dec 1776:31 (1/33)
New-York, Sept. 30.  On Saturday the 21st inst. we had a
terrible fire in the city. . . [11 lines on effects of the
fire]  The rebel army having carried off all the bells of
the city, the alarm could not be speedily communicated. . .
[9 lines]
. . . [4 paragraphs]  The pumps and fire engines were very
much out of order.  This last circumstance, together with
the removal of our bells, . . . clearly evince beyond the
possibility of doubt, that this diabolical affair was the
result of a preconcerted, deliberate scheme. . .

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1776.12.31 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0023215
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