Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter: 1776.11.19

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Index Entry Harps, Israelites hung up on willows and wept, Tory likens his case to 
Location Halifax 
19 Nov 1776:13,21 (1/27)
Boston, Nov. 7.  To the Rev. Mr Badger, at Halifax, Nova-
Where you and family are, whether in Halifax or Heaven, is
uncertain to me. . . [10 lines]  Our case is not much unlike
that of the Israelites who hung their harps and wept
whenever they thought on Jerusalem. - They were tantalized
by their captors with, "Come sing us one of the songs of
Zion."  They were in a low condition, for many years could
not sing, but at last the Lord delivered them out of all
their distresses. . . [1 column on living conditions,
signed] An Enemy of Dr. Foster.  [letter allegedly written
by a former clergyman named Peters, from Hebron,

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Exeter 
Date 1776.11.19 
Publisher Fowle, Robert 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0023209
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