Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1734.09.02

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Index Entry Drum, in Weysselmunde, beat by French as they entered fort 
Location Weysselmunde 
2 Sep 1734:12,13 (386)
Hague, May 28.  At length, the first part of the French
succours so long talked of, landed the 12th instant at the
fort of Weysselmunde, situate at the mouth of the Vistula: 
They even landed without a great deal of opposition on the
part of the Muscovites, and entered the fort with their drum
beating and colours flying, while the roaring of the cannon
to welcome them, drowned the foster musick.  The Russians,
on the other side, like men in despair, breath nothing but
fire and faggot; so that wherever they go, they are
surrounded with flames. . .

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1734.09.02 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0022813
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