Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1734.05.20

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, rung for marriage of Princess Royal and Prince of Orange 
Location Boston 
20 May 1734:22 (373)
Boston.  On Friday last the marriage of the Princess Royal
of England with his serene Highness of Prince of Orange, was
celebrated where in a very handsome manner.  His Excellency
our governour having on this joyful occasion invited the
officers of the militia and several other gentlemen to his
house, they waited on his Excellency early on the morning of
the said day; and after having partook of an handsome
entertainment there provided for them, his Excellency
attended by the said gentlemen, proceeded to go on board his
Majesty's ship the Scarborough, the officers of the militia
in their military dress and orange colour'd cockades in
their hats, walk'd in procession before his Excellency, with
trumpets sounding and drums beating;. . . In the evening his
Excellency's seat was very beautifully illuminated, as was
also the house of Col. Wendell, who made a supper for the
officers of the militia, where they with others were nobly
entertain'd; the houses of several other gentlemen were
illuminated on this happy occasion;  The bells of the town
began to ring at  six in the morning, and continu'd ringing
till towards the close of the day; and there was a general
joy appearing thro' the whole town, with the wishes of long
life and prosperity to the Prince and Princess of Orange.

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1734.05.20 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0022798
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