Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1732.10.02

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Index Entry Music, in London, played on barge for party of Prince of Wales on Thames 
Location London 
2 Oct 1732:21 (289)
London, July 11. . . Saturday in the evening her Majesty,
the Prince of [torn], the Duke, and five Princesses, went in
coaches from Kensington to Chelsea Hospital, where after a
turn in the hall, they walk'd to the water-side, and went on
board the Prince of Wales's fine barge, lately built under
the direction of Lord Baltimore; and being attended by the
officers & ladies of the court in waiting in another barge,
and a set of musick in the third barge, they proceeded to
Somerset-House, where her Majesty and the Royal Family
landed, and having view'd Mr. Walton's progress in cleaning
and mending the royal pictures, and visited several of the
private apartments, her Majesty, &c. return'd in the same
order to Chelsea Hospital, where the pensioners were put
under arms, and the college and gardens illuminated with
candles, and her Majesty's picture we hear will shortly be
put up in the council chamber of the hospital.  Her Majesty
was pleased to make a visit to the governor, lieutenant-
General Evans, in his apartment, and afterwards return'd to
the Royal Palace in Kensington.

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1732.10.02 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0022713
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