Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1730.05.25

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Index Entry Ball, in Moscow, at court for betrothal of Czar 
Location Moscow 
25 May 1730:11,12,21 (166)
Moscow, December 20. N.S.  The ceremony of the Czar's
betrothing with the Princess Katharine Alexiewna Kolgorucki,
was performed in the following manner. . . On the 11th,
being the day of the festival which was fix'd for the
celebration of that cere espousals,. .
   When this train was come pretty near to the Czar's
Palace, the Marshal of the Court &. . .  desired the
Czarina-Dowager, the Princesses of the blood, and the other
ladies, to walk into the hall. . .  Then the marshal of the
court &. . .  went to meet the betrothed Princess, & conduct
her into the same hall. . .   The guards presented their
pieces, but the drums did not beat.  Upon the Princess's
entering the hall, began an agreeable consort of musick; &
as soon as she had taken her place. . .  the marshall of the
court & the master of ceremonies, went & waited upon the
Czar, who came with them to the hall, with the sound of
trumpet, & accompany'd by Prince -Gregory-Alexiowitz
Dolgorucki, . . .  [13 lines] his Czarian Majesty and the
Princess return'd to their places, and receiv'd the
compliments of all the lords and ladies, who had the honour
to kiss their hands.  At the same time, the trumpets
sounded, & the artillery fired three rounds.  After this
ceremony, the Czar, accompany'd by the Czarina-Dowager, the
Princesses of the blood, & the Princesses of Dolgorucki
Family, conducted the espoused Princess into her apartment,
to see some fireworks play'd off which had been prepared for
that purpose.  We had likewise curious illuminations.  All
the illustrious company being return'd into the hall, there
was a play and a ball, which lasted not long:  after which
the espoused Princess return'd to her palace in a coach
drawn by eight horses, with six postilions, six pages, eight
heydukes, eight gentlemen of the Horse-Guards, & the same
train that attended her to the Czar's palace:  But when she
went back, her Highness was in the coach alone, and the
drums saluted her as she pass'd by. . . [1 more para.]

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1730.05.25 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1730 
Bibliography B0022590
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