Citation - New England Weekly Journal: 1728.05.20

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Index Entry French horns, in Rotterdam, on boat, play for Queen's birthday 
Location Rotterdam 
20 May 1728:12,21 (61)
Rotterdam, March 5.  Yesterday being the birth-day of the
Queen of Great Britain, Mr. Wolters, his Britannick
Majesty's agent, gave a splendid entertainment upon that
occasion:. . .
Upon the Maese, over against the house, was a yatcht,
adorn'd with streamers and lanthorns; and at the top-mast
head was a machine, where, by the help of an illumination,
were seen these word in great capital letters, with a crown
over them.  Vivat Wilhelmina Carolina Regina.
By the side of the yatcht, on board of which were several
trumpets, kettle drums, and French horns, a stage was
erected, from whence a great number of rockets and other
fire-works were play'd off. . .
. . . [1 more para.]

Generic Title New England Weekly Journal 
Date 1728.05.20 
Publisher Kneeland, S. & T. Green 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1728 
Bibliography B0022485
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