Citation - North Carolina Gazette (Davis): 1775.06.16

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Index Entry Drum, in Lexington, beat to call militia, depositions on first shot 
Location Massachusetts 
16 Jun 1775:21,22,23 (328)
Affidavits and Depositions, relative to the commencement of
the late hostilities in the Province of Massachusetts. . .
[2 columns of depositions, then a deposition by Nathanial
Mullekin et al:  We] were dismissed by our captain, John
Parker, for the present, with orders to be ready to attend
at the beat of the drum.  We further testify and declare,
that about five o'clock in the morning, hearing our drum
beat, we proceeded toward the parade, . . . [further
depositions of similar nature, concentrating on the issue of
who fired the first gun.]

Generic Title North Carolina Gazette (Davis) 
Date 1775.06.16 
Publisher Davis, James 
City, State Newbern, NC 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0032770
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