Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Worcester: 1782.07.04

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Index Entry Iphigenie en Aulide [t], performed in Paris, La Fayette honored by audience 
Location Paris 
4 Jul 1782:21 (583)
Paris, February 11.  On Friday last was performed, at the
opera-house,  a piece called IPHIGENIA EN AULIDE.  M. le 
Marquis de la Fayette being in one of the boxes near the
stage, in company with the Princess de Poix and the Dutchess
de Lauzan; the pit not knowing him, did not immediately pay
much attention to that part of the house; nor was it until
Achilles, crowned by the hands of victory, was sung, that
any acclamations were heard, and as two thirds of the
spectators were ignorant of the allusion, the applauses were
not very general; but when the crown of laurels was
presented to Achilles, the actress having previously
designated the Marquis, as in every respect deserving that
honour, the acclamations immediately resounded through the
house, and continued until the intermediate act; when the
Marquis, who had modestly retired to the back part of the
box, was obliged to appear, and satisfy the impatience of
the audience, who received his thanks with the most lively
expressions of joy.

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Worcester 
Date 1782.07.04 
Publisher Thomas, Isaiah 
City, State Worcester, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0022026
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