Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1775.02.02

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Index Entry Drums, in Boston, beating through town at night on sleighs, orders to cease 
Location Boston 
2 Feb 1775:44 (4/209)
Complaints have been made to the select-men that numbers of
the peaceable inhabitants have been greatly disturbed by the
driving of sleys through this town, with the beat of drum
and other noises as unseasonable times of the night: --To
prevent such disorders, for the future orders have been
given the constables of the town watch to stop such
offenders, and make report of their names, that they may be
dealt with as the law directs.  By order of the Select-men,
[signed] William Cooper, Town-clerk.  Boston, January 11,

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1775.02.02 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0021657
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