Citation - Massachusetts Spy-Boston: 1771.03.14

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Index Entry Bass viol, taught by Joan, Mr 
Location Boston 
14 Mar 1771:84 (1/2)
For the benefit of Mr. Joan; will be performed
A Grand Concert of vocal and instrumental musick, at
Concert-Hall, on Thursday next, the 21st of March instant.
   Between the acts will be performed some select pieces on
the Forte, Piano and guittar, by Mr. Propert.
   Tickets to be had of I. Thomas, printer in Union-street,
and other printers, (at half a dollar each) or of Mr. Joan
at his house in Marlborough street, the third door below Dr.
Gardiner's, where he has lately removed, and where he
teaches the violin, bass-viol, German-flute, &c. as also the
French language, and makes and sells neat violins, bows and
cases, bass viols, guittars, &c. and mends those instruments
in the neatest manner.  He likewise tunes guittars, by the
quarter; and sells best Roman violin strings, lately
   N.B. The Concert was to have been last Thursday, but is
postponed to the time mentioned above.

Generic Title Massachusetts Spy-Boston 
Date 1771.03.14 
Publisher Thomas, I. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0021448
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