Citation - Maryland Journal: 1780.09.26

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Index Entry Cockey, John, owner of runaway Negro named George, aka Lot who plays violin 
Location Baltimore 
26 Sep 1780:43 (7/40 367)
Two Hundred and fifty dollars reward.  September 18, 1780. 
Ran away, the third instant, from the subscriber living
about 10 miles from Baltimore-Town, a Negro man named
George, as I was informed when I bought him of Mr. Arthur
Robbins, in Accomack County, Virginia, about 14 months ago.
Since which I have been credibly informed his name is Lot. 
He is about 22 years of age, six feet high, well made, of a
yellowish complexion for a Negro.  Had on when he went away
a coarse linen shirt and trousers, felt hat, strip'd holland
jacket, coarse shoes with strings, sundry other clothes in a
wallet, one pair of velvet corded breeches, &c.  Said Negro
plays well on the violin, and what is remarkable, plays with
his left hand.
. . . [9 lines on reward terms.]
[signed] John Cockey

Generic Title Maryland Journal 
Date 1780.09.26 
Publisher Goddard, M. K. 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0021077
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