Citation - Maryland Journal: 1775.11.15

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Index Entry Drummers, in Hager's Town, in procession for memorial of Michael Cressop 
Location Hager's Town 
15 Nov 1775:3832 (2/100)
Hager's-Town, Frederick County, Nov. 6.  On Saturday, the
4th inst. the inhabitants of this place, being desirous to
commemorate the death of the late worthy Michael Cressop,
Esquire, of this county and province, and first captain in
the Corps of Riflemen: --In consequence thereof, about two
o'clock in the afternoon . . . [3 lines, troops drawn up]
the officers of each company havin a scarff on their left
arm, the drums muffled and covered with black, and the
colours in mourning:  They then marched in an Indian file,
through the town to the muster ground, where, after
performing the whole Manual Exercise, evolutions, &c.  they
proceeded into the town in the same manner, the drums
beating a solemn sound, and fifes playing according.  After
they were dismissed, orders were given to beat no drum or
play on the fife, but to behave in a manner suitable to the

Generic Title Maryland Journal 
Date 1775.11.15 
Publisher Goddard, M. K. 
City, State Baltimore, MD 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0020813
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