Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1779.08.13

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Index Entry Drums, in St Vincent, beat in capitulation 
Location St Vincent 
13 Aug 1779:11 (1701)
[Articles of capitulation of English to the French at island
of St. Vincent.]
Article 1.  Governor Morris demands in the first place, that
the officer and drummer sent by him yesterday to the
commander of the French troops be restored to him; the
detaining these when sent as a flag of truce, and then
continuing to march on, appearing to him to have been a
great infringement of the laws of war. Granted.
Art. II.  The governor and staff officers, officers of the
troops and soldiers, to march out with their colours flying,
drums beating. ten rounds a-piece . . .
Art. V.  The inhabitants of the island shall march out of
their posts with the honours of war, their baggage, arms and
colours, drums beating and lighted matches. . . 

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1779.08.13 
Publisher Green, Frederick and Samuel 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0020185
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