Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1776.03.28

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Index Entry Ball, in Hanover County, subscription, held by Bennet White, arrested 
Location Hanover County 
28 Mar 1776:33 (1594)
The printer is desired to insert the following extract from
the Virginia Gazette of February 16, 1776.
At a committee appointed and [  ] for Hanover county, at the
court house, on Thursday the 25th of January, 1776.
   Bennet White appeared before the committee, agreeable to
a summons, to answer sundry charges lodged against him,
which are as follows: "That he had been guilty of having a
subscription ball; that he had assured his subscribers; that
if the committee shou'd notice it, he would take the whole
blame on himself; and that he had allowed gaming in his
house."  Which charges being examined into, were
sufficiently proved; but the said Bennet White declaring his
uneasiness for having done any thing that had caused the
displeasure of the committee, begged that they would pass it
over, as the first offence, and that he would pay the
strictest regard to the association in future, as well as
demean himself, in every respect, a firm friend to the
rights of America.  These concessions being deemed
satisfactory, Mr. White was discharged from further
prosecution.  Extracted from the proceedings, [signed]
William Bentley, clerk.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1776.03.28 
Publisher Green, Frederick 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0020078
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