Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1773.06.10

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Index Entry London Merchant [t], reference in personal controversy 
Location Annapolis 
10 Jun 1773:12,13,21 (1448)
Nothing could be more despicable in my opinion than to enter
into a paper controversy with Mr. Coolidge; it was
impertinently trespassing upon the public; no honour can be
gained from an adversary who substitutes falsehoods for
facts, nonsense, scurrility and abuse, instead of sound
reason and argument . . . [1 1/3 column essay with
references to various Shakespearean characters,  Shylock,
Iago, and Rodorigo,  an extended paraphrase of Much Ado
About Nothing, and the following:]
   This Much ado, with Shylock's behaviour to the Merchant
of Venice, Iago and Rodorigo, George Barnwell in The London
Merchant, Scroop to Henry Vth, Blisil to Jones--may serve as
a compendium of what I have suffered and what has been
attempted against me.  Adieu my persecutors--I forgive and
pity you--the world was made and is wide enough for us all.
. . [6 lines, signed] Exit Fanatick.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1773.06.10 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and Son [Frederick Green] 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0019932
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