Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1769.05.04

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Index Entry Actor, Burdett, Mr, to play Sideboard in Way to Keep Him [t] 
Location Annapolis 
4 May 1769:691 (1234)
For the Benefit of Mr. Darby.  At the New Theatre in
Annapolis, By the American Company of Comedians, on Tuesday,
the 23d of May will be presented, the celebrated Comedy of,
THE WAY TO KEEP HIM. In five Acts.
Wrote by ---- Murphy, Esq; Author of the Citizen, and was
perform'd at Drury-Lane, 26 nights. without intermission.
Sir Bashful Constant, by Mr. Darby, Sir Brilliant Fashion,
by Mr. Spencer, William, Servant to Lovemore, by Mr. Parker,
Sideboard, Servant to Sir Bashful, by Mr. Burdett, And, the
Part of Lovemore, by Mr. Verling. Mrs. Lovemore, by Mrs.
Parker, Muslin, Maid to Mrs. Lovemore, by Mrs. Walker,
Mignionet, Maid to Mrs. Bellmore, by Mrs. Jones, Lady
Constant, by Mrs. Darby, (Being her first appearance) And
the Part of the Widow Bellmore, by Mrs. Osborne. 
To which will be added, a Farce, call'd, The Mock Doctor.
The Mock Doctor, by Mr. Darby, And, Dorcas, by Mrs. Parker.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1769.05.04 
Publisher Green, Anne Catharine and William 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0019719
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