Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1766.12.11

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Index Entry Bebbe, Abraham van, owner of runaway servant named O'Brien, George, violinst 
Location Severn 
11 Dec 1766:32 (1109)
Absconded from the schooner Tryall, lying in the river
Severn, on Saturday the 6th instant, an Irish Creole, who
calls himself George O'Brien, and pretends to be the son of
one O'Brien, a wealthy planter in Montserrat.  He is about 5
feet 6 inches high, wears his own dark hair, tied behind,
and a little pitted with the small pox; had on and took with
him a blue broad-cloth coat. . . [5 lines, clothing]  The
above person plays extremely well on the violin, and values
himself much on being a Free-Mason.  Whoever apprehends him,
so as he may be brought to justice, and the things taken
away, recovered, shall receive forty shillings reward, and
reasonable charges, by applying on board said schooner, to
[signed] Abraham Van Bebbe.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1766.12.11 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0019594
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