Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1763.09.29

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Index Entry Drum, in Ireland, borrowed from farmer 
Location Ireland 
29 Sep 1763:13 (960)
Extract of a letter from Market-Hill, dated July 4.  Last
Thursday there were assembled upwards of 10,000 persons
taking the Cess of the Country, and last Saturday there were
at least 8000 in Rich Hill, of which I was obliged to be
one, and every on in Market Hill was obliged to go, and all
marched from Rich-Hill to Dean ----, and got from under his
hand, not to take any small dues for the future, and did the
same with Dean ---, and from that we went to Counsellor ---
of Tandaragee, and he agreed to level the commons of
Tandaragee, which Mr. --- had ditched up and fed these
several years past; they also turned cattle out of the
pound, and got a drum from him, which we have, but we are to
return it again; . . . 

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1763.09.29 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0019441
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