Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1763.03.17

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Index Entry Dance, hornpipe, in Leeds, danced by groom 
Location Leeds 
17 Mar 1763:21 (932)
Leeds, [England] November 30.  On Thursday the 18th instant
was married at Ealand, John Mason, widower, aged 75, to
Elizabeth Armitage, widow, aged 79, of Ealand workhouse,
where they had contracted a very intimate acquaintance; 
They were brought from the workhouse, to church in a post-
chaise, with suitable attendance; from whence they adjourned
to the Parish-clerk's, where they dined with the town
officers and other principal inhabitants.  After dinner the
bride walked a minuet with one of the attendants, as did
also the bridegroom with a young woman of neighbourhood; and
to shew his extraordinary agility, he would afterwards
divert the company by dancing a hornpipe.  They were both
very thankful to the present Overseers for permitting them
to be married, for (as the Bride expressed it) They had
better be married than do worse.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1763.03.17 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0019413
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