Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1757.05.12

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Index Entry Indians, Seneca, Shawanese, Delaware, chiefs danced War Dance [t] 
Location Fort Johnson 
12 May 1757:21 (627)
Fort-Johnson, the 11th July, 1756. . . [Transcript of
negotiations with Indians.]  Brethren, you have assured me
that you have determined to keep your eyes fix'd on your
brethren the Six Nations, and [  ]ulate your conduct by
theirs:  As you therefore know that they have taken up the
Hatchet in conjunction with your brethren the English, and
are determined to join his Majesty's arms against the
French, and all their adherents; I expect, and doubt not,
but you will co-operate with them and us, in this necessary
and just vindication of our common rights and properties,
against those treacherous and faithless invaders of them.  I
therefore now offer you the War Belt.  Gave the War Belt.
  A Seneca Chief laid hold of it, sung the War Song, and
danced.  The Shawanese King did so next, and then the
Delaware King, with great warmth.  After that the Chief
Warriors of the River Indians, danced and sung; and it went
round through every Nation at the Meeting, and at night
there was a great War Dance, at which were present above one
hundred and fifty Indians, Sachems and Warriors, and they
continued dancing till morning.

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1757.05.12 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1757 
Bibliography B0019108
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