Citation - Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green): 1750.04.04

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Index Entry Actors, French, in London, announce performance at Little Theatre, Haymarket 
Location London 
4 Apr 1750:31 (258)
London.  Nov. 4.  We hear that the French players will
(barring accidents) open at the little theatre in the
Haymarket next Saturday.  'Tis added, that the Italian
company of comic strollers will exhibit the week after next;
but as they have lost three of their ablest performers, the
connoisseurs are in great pain about those who are to supply
their places.---Possibly some foreigners may think, that the
worst offals are good enough for the vitiated palates of the
English no---ty and g---try.  'Tis further expected, that
the company of Gallo-English players, who made the town
laugh so heartily last winter, are preparing to enterain
them this.---Why all these unnatural fooleries?  Why this
profusion of exotic languages pour'd in upon us? and for
what yoke are we preparing?. . .

Generic Title Maryland Gazette-Annapolis (Green) 
Date 1750.04.04 
Publisher Green, Jonas 
City, State Annapolis, MD 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0018739
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