Citation - Independent New York Gazette: 1783.12.06

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Index Entry Actors, in Annapolis, use theatre provided by American Company of Comedians 
Location Annapolis 
6 Dec 1783:23 (3)
November 29.  Tuesday last the American Company of
Comedians, not being permitted to carry on their theatrical
exhibitions, took a precipitate leave of this city.  They
are gone to Maryland as a place of "future residence."  It
is presumed they will not be in a hurry to return to this
  The citizens of Annapolis are greatly indebted to the
Comedians for a house of public utility; the theatre there
frequently accommodating in the course of the week, Stage-
Players--Rope-Dancers--Psalm-Singers--and Preachers of the
various denominations.

Generic Title Independent New York Gazette 
Date 1783.12.06 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0018397
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