Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1780.08.17

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Index Entry Band of music, in Philadelphia, played for commencement at college 
Location Philadelphia 
17 Aug 1780:11 (13/625)
The following account of the celebration of the anniversary
of American Independence, at the College in Philadelphia, is
inserted from a paper of that city, by particular desire of
some of our customers. 
Philadelphia, July 12.  On Tuesday the fourth instant . . .
a commencement for conferring degrees in the Arts, was held
in the Hall at the University, . . . [6 lines]
   The order of the Commencement was as follows:
. . . [11 lines]
4th. A dialogue in blank verse, composed for the occasion,
with vocal and instrumental music at proper periods.  The
parts supported by Messrs. Caldwell, Sitgreaves, and
Chevalier, in the characters of Theron, Felix, and Ardentio.
. . . [10 lines]
   A band of musicians, which ushered the Trustees, Faculty
and graduates into the hall, and playing, at proper
intervals, between the performances, had a fine effect, and
contributed greatly to the entertainment of the audience. .
. [16 lines, attendees, good order.]

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1780.08.17 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0017803
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