Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1780.08.10

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Index Entry Band of music, Crane's, deserter named Gates, Lemuel, musician 
Location Boston 
10 Aug 1780:42 (12/624)
Stop Deserters!  Deserted from Col Crane's regiment of
Artillery, Lemuel Gates, musician; he is a young man, about
22 years of age, of light complexion, well set, about 5 feet
5 inches high, a native of Lancaster, in the State of
Massachusetts: also, John Mitchell, of the same regiment, of
about 21 years of age, of dark complexion, about the same
height of the former, born in Springfield, State of
Massachusetts:  Also, Samuel Gates, of the same regiment, of
about 19 years of age, light complexion, of about 5 feet 6
inches high.  Whoever will apprehend either or all of said
deserters, and secure them in any goal in any of these
states, or if taken near the grand army, will convey them to
it, shall receive 500 dollars reward for each, and all
reasonable charges paid by me.  [signed] John Hivell, Lieut.
of Artillery.
   N. B. Every friend to his country is desired to use his
influence to stop the above deserters, as they are much
wanted to fill the band.  July 21, 1780.

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1780.08.10 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0017802
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