Citation - Independent Chronicle: 1779.04.29

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Index Entry Deserter, American drummer, named M'Colgain, John 
Location Charlestown 
29 Apr 1779:23 (11/558)
Northfield, April 22, 1779.  140 dollars reward.  Deserted,
the 21st instant, from my regiment, now on its march to
Charlestown, No. 4, in the State of New-Hampshire, the
following persons, viz.  John M Colgain, drummer, born in
Ireland, about 5 feet 3 inches high, about 25 years of age,
and much pitted with the small-pox; John Wright, drummer,
born in England, about 5 feet 2 inches high, about 17 or 18
years of age, and a little pitted with the small-pox; they
had on, when they went away, white coats, faced with pale
blue, white jackets, and dark coloured breeches; it is
supposed they will make for some of the sea-port towns of
this state, or that of Connecticut; . . . [23 more lines,
signed] Moses Hazen, Col.

Generic Title Independent Chronicle 
Date 1779.04.29 
Publisher Willis, Nathaniel 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0017735
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