Citation - Gazette of State of South Carolina: 1779.11.03

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Index Entry Barten, owner of German flute, taken by British troops as plunder 
Location Parker's Ferry 
3 Nov 1779:32 (2152)
Returns of horses, negroes, &c. &c. made to Col. John
Creighton, Q.M.G. in consequence of his Excellency the
Governor's proclamation, dated the 25th of May last . . .
[2/3 of a column]
  Taken at Thomas Roone's plantation, near Parker's Ferry,
by Major Ladson and Capt. Snipes, . . . [6 lines, household
goods], 1 stick chair, 1 guitar, 2 guns, 3 remnants callico
. . . [18 more lines]. N.B. the above things are left in the
care of Mrs. Roberts in Jacksonburg.
  Taken by Capt Snipes, a gun, a cartouch box, a pair of
silver shoe-buckles, a pair of plated knee ditto, a small
hammock, 10 green handle knives and forks, 2 razors, a
clock, a German flute, a tooth drawer, a grey mare 13 hands
and a half high, said to be the property of one Barten, who
has joined the enemy. 

Generic Title Gazette of State of South Carolina 
Date 1779.11.03 
Publisher Timothy and Boden 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0016897
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