Citation - Georgia Gazette (Johnston): 1767.06.10

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Index Entry Music master, Stevens, John, Sr, opens school in Savannah 
Location Savannah 
10 Jun 1767:41 (194)
To the Publick.  The subscriber takes this method to
acquaint the publick, that he has opened a school at the
Guard-house, where he now lives, for the instructing of
young ladies and gentlemen in the theory as well as
practical parts of musick, at ten pounds per annum, and one
guinea entrance each; to attend two days in the week; but as
the evening may be most convenient for gentlemen, two will
be fixed upon for their accomodation.
   Those who chuse to be instructed at their own houses may
be waited on at fourteen pounds per annum.
   He also purposes opening an evening school for the
instructing young gentlemen in singing;
   He will likewise fair-copy or engross any deeds or
instruments of writing, post books of accompt, or any other
business in the mercantile way, or that of a scrivener.
   Under the strongest assurances of his utmost care and
assiduity in the dispatching whatever business may be
committed to his charge, he begs leave to solicit the favour
of his friends. [signed] John Stevens sen.

Generic Title Georgia Gazette (Johnston) 
Date 1767.06.10 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0017231
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