Citation - Georgia Gazette (Johnston): 1767.05.06

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Index Entry Actor, Quin, Mr, anecdote of Irishman at gaming tables 
Location Bath 
6 May 1767:32 (189)
Mr. Printer, Some years since, being at Bath, the following
very ludicrous affair happened: A young gentleman who went
there, not to drink the waters as valetudinarians usually
do, but to partake of the diversions of the place, had
particular recommendation to Mr. Quin, the famous Comedian,
who was then there:  The young gentleman being one evening
at the gaming table took occasion to pass some national
reflections on the Irish; a gentleman then present, in a
very polite manner, told him he was of that country, and
desired he would desist from any further reflections; but
this request having no effect, the Irish gentleman rose from
his seat, and taking him by the nose, led him thro' the Long
room, and when at the door kicked him out; on which the
young gentleman the next morning waited on Mr. Quin, and
asked his advice upon the occasion; when he had recited what
had happened, Mr. Quin very gravely asked him if the Irish
gentleman was yet alive; Alive, Sir? yes, that he is!  Why
then, Sir, says Quin, when you go next to the Long room,
soap your nose.

Generic Title Georgia Gazette (Johnston) 
Date 1767.05.06 
Publisher Johnston, James 
City, State Savannah, GA 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0017226
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