Citation - Freeman's Journal: 1781.06.13

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Index Entry Drum, in Fort Granby, spoils of war taken from British 
Location Fort Granby 
13 Jun 1781:32 (8)
Return of prisoners taken at Fort Granby, March 15, 1781 . .
. [3 lines]
Return of prisoners taken at Fort Mott, May 12, 1781.
1 Captain, 3 Lieutenants, 3 Ensigns, 1 Serjeant-Major, 
Serjeant, 8 Corporals, 2 Drum and Fife, 165 privates.
[signed] E. M. Hyrne. . . [1 line]
Return of the military stores, taken at Fort Granby, May 15,
1781. . . Canister shot 20, Drums 1, two pounds Caronades 3,
five and an half inch howitz 2. [signed] John Mazaret,

Generic Title Freeman's Journal 
Date 1781.06.13 
Publisher Bailey, Francis 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0016613
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