Citation - Evening Post: 1780.01.01

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Index Entry Books, plays, for sale by M'Dougall, John D, titles listed 
Location Boston 
1 Jan 1780:32,33 (64)
To be sold, by John D. M'Dougall, opposite the Province-
House (formerly so called) --the following new books.--
Voltair's Works, translated from the French, with notes,
historical and critical, by Dr. Smolley and others, 35
volumns. . . [Individual volume titles listed including:]
Vol.14. Orestes, a tragedy, the Prodigal, a comedy, letters
&c., Vol.18. The Druid, a comedy, Pandora, an opera &c.,
Vol.27. Cataline, or Rome preserv'd, Coffee-House, or the
Scotch Woman, a comedy, by Mr. Hope, the Orphan of China,
&c. . . [Following the Voltaire volumes, 38 other titles

Generic Title Evening Post 
Date 1780.01.01 
Publisher White and Adams 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0016530
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