Citation - Evening Post: 1779.07.31

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Index Entry Band of music, in London, in procession, for Keppel, tunes cited 
Location London 
31 Jul 1779:21 (42)
London, March 25, 1779. Thomas Pye's speech on delivering to
Admiral Keppel his sword. . . About 12 o'clock the grand
procession from the Court began in the following order: A
band of music playing, "See the conquering Hero comes". . .
to Admiral Keppel's house, in High-street; after which. . .
at Spithead, gave a grand salute of 19 guns each, the bells
were set a ringing. . . [Keppel] received the
congratulations of the noblemen and gentlemen on his
honourable acquital. The band at the same time playing,
"Rule Britannia.". . . 

Generic Title Evening Post 
Date 1779.07.31 
Publisher White and Adams 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0016508
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