Citation - Exeter Journal: 1778.12.15

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Index Entry Nunc Dimittas Servum Tuum [t], sung in England, for victory at sea 
Location England 
15 Dec 1778:41 (1/43)
A correspondent remarks how different the conduct of France
is from that of Great Britain, in consequence of a late
engagement off Brest; the French nation are all happy in the
event, and sung Te Deum for a complete victory, while the
English, though they have no doubt but the Monsieurs have
been well drubbed, are disappointed that the enemy got into
Brest a single ship, and are being taught by court agents to
lay the blame upon the Minority Admiral, are ready to sing
Nunc dimittas servum tuum.

Generic Title Exeter Journal 
Date 1778.12.15 
Publisher Fowle, Z. 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0016575
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