Citation - Exeter Journal: 1778.11.10

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Index Entry Dancing master, French, disguised as priests in cargo of ship, in satire 
Location At sea 
10 Nov 1778:22 (1/38)
From Rivington's lying Gazette.  New York, September 29. . .
[12 lines, a satirical account of a dispatch to Count
D'Estaing, ordering him to make every member of congress
swear allegiance to Louis XVI, followed by]  This vessel
besides dispatches, brought a considerable cargo consisting
of the following articles viz.  50,000 mass books, 200 racks
and wheels, 3,000,000, consecrated wafers, 15,000
crucifixes, 70,000 rosaries, 200,000 wooden shoes, five
chests of paints for the ladies faces, 10,000 pills for the
cure of the French disease.  We also learn that the
passengers on board were all priests, in the disguise of
hair-dressers, tooth-drawers, fidlers, and dancing masters. 
By letters brought by the same ship, we are likewise
informed, that Dr. Franklin has abjured the protestant
religion, and that he is decorated with the order of the
Holy Cross of Jerusalem.

Generic Title Exeter Journal 
Date 1778.11.10 
Publisher Fowle, Z. 
City, State Exeter, NH 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0016571
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