Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1782.07.11

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Index Entry Bells, in New Haven, rung for arrival of Washington 
Location New Haven 
11 Jul 1782:31 (767)
July 1.  On Wednesday evening, the 26th ult. his Excellency
George Washington, with his suit, arrived in this city.--The
next morning the mayor, alderman and commonalty addressed
his excellency, and presented him with the freedom of the
city in a gold box, in testimony of their great esteem of
his unexampled services, and exalted merits.--At six o'clock
in the afternoon the bells of all the churches began to
ring, and continued their joyful peals till sun set, when 13
cannon were discharged from the fort, and the city
illuminated. Who is more worthy our esteem and gratitude
than the guarding and saviour of his county!---
  Pulchrum est patriae benesacere, etiam
  Benedicere, haud absurdum est.--

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1782.07.11 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0015359
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