Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1776.09.25

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Index Entry Barker, Samuel, owner of runaway Negro named Hamton who plays fife 
Location Branford 
25 Sep 1776:32 (467)
Ranaway from the subscriber in the night of the 15th
instant, a Negro man servant, named Hamton, about eighteen
years of age, this country born, a well set fellow, about
five feet nine or ten inches high, he talks good English, is
an artful cunning fellow; had on when he went away a grey
homespun coatee or large jacket, a striped homespun ditto,
the strips red, black, and white; and go round his body, a
check shirt, tow trowsers, a small felt hat; took with him a
white tow shirt, also a fiddle and a fife, can play
tolerably well on the fife; it is supposed he went off in a
batteau that he built himself, and is roughly turned off. 
Whoever shall take up and return said Negro, shall receive
five dollars reward, and all necessary charges paid,
[signed] by Samuel Barker.  Branford, September 24, 1776.

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1776.09.25 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0015059
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