Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1776.03.13

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Index Entry Yankee Hero, privateer took second British supply ship 
Location Newburyport 
13 Mar 1776:23,31 (439)
Cambridge March 6. . . [4 lines]  A few days since the
Yankee Hero sent into Newbury Port another prize, a fine
brig of about 200 tons burthen, laded with coal, cheese, &c.
bound from White Haven for the use of the ministerial
butchers under the command of Gen. Howe governor of Boston. 
This is the fifth prize out of eight which sailed from the
above port, and we are in hopes of giving a good account of
the 3 remaining. . . [49 more lines]

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1776.03.13 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0015031
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