Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1775.10.11

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Index Entry Drummers, in Bunker Hill, British casualties 
Location Bunker Hill 
11 Oct 1775:12 (417)
London. July 29. . . [17 lines commentary, Gage's report on
Bunker Hill losses]  With all the vanity of a military man,
he praises the conduct of the officers under his command;
but prudently omits to say whether any such advantage has
been gained, as may be supposed to make up for the loss of
"one lieutenant colonel, two majors, seven captains, nine
lieutenants, fifteen serjeants, one drummer, one hundred and
ninety one rank and file killed, and three majors, twenty-
seven captains, thirty-two lieutenants, eight ensigns, forty
serjeants, twelve drummers, and seven hundred and six rank
and file wounded" and unfit for service. . . [12 more lines,
speculating King's response to the news]

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1775.10.11 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015010
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