Citation - Connecticut Journal: 1775.08.23

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Index Entry Bells, in Lexington, alarmed countryside during British attack 
Location Lexington 
23 Aug 1775:22,23,31 (410)
London Gazette. (Whitehall,) June 10, 1775.  Lieut. Nunn, of
the navy, arrived this morning at Lord Dartmouth's and has
brought letters from General Gage, Lord Percy, and Lieut.
Col. Smith. . . [18 lines detailing British march to
Lexington]  Lieut. Col. Smith finding after he had advanced
some miles on his march, that the country had been alarmed
by the firing of guns and ringing of bells, dispached six
companies of light infantry. . . [53 more lines detailing
Lexington confrontation, British arrival at Concord, and
British return march to Boston, followed by 5 lines
introducing return of killed and wounded]  4th, or King's
own regiment--Lieut. Knight killed; Lieut. Gould, wounded
and prisoner; 3 serjeants, 1 drummer wounded. . . [23 more
lines of killed, wounded, and missing British soldiers] . .
.Marines.--Capt. Souter, 2d Lt, M'Donald, wounded; 2d Lt
Isaac Potter, missing; 1 serjeant killed, 2 wounded, 1
missing; 1 drummer killed, 2 wounded, 1 missing; 1 drummer
killed. . . [1 more line casualties] Total. . . [3 lines
summation of above casualties] . . . 1 drummer killed, 1
wounded. . . [3 more lines summation of above casualties]
[signed] Thomas Gage. 

Generic Title Connecticut Journal 
Date 1775.08.23 
Publisher Green, Thomas and Samuel 
City, State New Haven, CT 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015003
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