Citation - Continental Journal: 1781.11.08

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Index Entry Drum, in Yorktown, beat Parley [t] 
Location Yorktown 
8 Nov 1781:31 (298)
Fish-Kill, November 1.  We learn that General Lincoln
received the captured Lord Cornwallis; and that the army
played Yankee doodle, when the British army marched to lay
down their arms.
   Headquarters, Continental Village, Oct. 18.
   The General is happy in congratulating this army, on the
following authentic and interesting intelligence, received
from the southward, viz.
  That on the 15th instant two of the enemy's redoubts at
York-town were stormed, one by the American, the other by
the French troops, and carried with very little loss.  These
redoubts gave the allied army, in a great measure, the
command of the other works of the enemy, who on the
seventeenth beat a parley. . . 

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1781.11.08 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0015828
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