Citation - Continental Journal: 1781.05.24

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Index Entry Legate, Thomas, owner of runaway Negro named Nero who plays violin 
Location Leominster 
24 May 1781:33 (274)
Five hundred dollars reward.  Went away from the subscriber,
on the 25th of April last, a Negro boy, named Nero, about 21
years old, a well sett, likely fellow, speaks good English,
and has much of a musical voice, he carried with him, two
felt-hats, one with a gold lace for a band, one new stript
woolen shirt, one red baize waistcoat, a brown home-made
coat, cuffed and lappeled with red, a pair of new moose skin
breeches, with Matthewman's buttons, one pair of blue broad-
cloth breeches, one pair of white ribb'd yarn stockings, one
pair of black and white ditto, two pair of good shoes, a
pair of square brass shoe buckles, a pair of silver knee-
buckles with brass chapes and tongs, and a violin.  Whoever
will give intelligence of him, that he may be recovered, or
convey him to me, shall receive the above reward, and all
necessary charges paid by [signed] Thomas Legate. . . [3
lines] Leominster, May 1st, 1781.

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1781.05.24 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0015804
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