Citation - Continental Journal: 1777.10.30

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Index Entry Assembly, in Boston, for defeat of Burgoyne 
Location Boston 
30 Oct 1777:13 (75)
Wednesday evening the 22d of October was received at
Cambridge, a confirmation of the important intelligence. . .
[of Burgoyne's defeat by General Gates. 14 lines plus 13
toasts, and 5 more lines.]
   On Friday evening the rejoicings were crown'd by a
brilliant company of ladies from Cambridge, Boston and
Watertown, who testified their joy and patriotism by their
presence at an elegant assembly.
  "Joy was in ev'ry face without a cloud;
  "As in the scene of op'ning paradice."

Generic Title Continental Journal 
Date 1777.10.30 
Publisher Gill, John 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0015618
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