Citation - Constitutional Gazette: 1775.08.23

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Index Entry Drummers, in Bunker Hill, British casualties 
Location Bunker Hill 
23 Aug 1775:12 (7)
A very intelligent soldier, belonging to the 23d regiment,
who deserted from the enemy last week, and who is known by
several gentlemen in our army, we are well informed, made
oath before his Excellency General Washington, that
according to the most exact account, there were killed of
the enemy at the battle at Bunker-Hill, and since died of
their wounds then received, 6 Field Officers, 32 Captains,
52 Subalterns, 55 Serjeants, 13 drummers, and 899 privates; 
in the whole when he left the regular army 1057, and that it
was thought 300 more, officers and privates, would die of
their wounds. 

Generic Title Constitutional Gazette 
Date 1775.08.23 
Publisher Anderson, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0015442
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